Meet Sheena, a beautiful German Shepherd I spotted via her dog mum
Penni on her flickr website! Super cute and definitely worthy of dog of the day! Oh yes! Sheena's lovely mum let me interview her for the blog!

Above: Sheena as a reindeer!
Puppy heart: What do you love most about dogs, and how many doggies do you have?:Penni: I love how my dogs love is unconditional. I have 2 dogs, a German Shepherd and a mixed breed, both rescued.
How and why did you decide on adopting a German Shepherd?:Penni: My husband and I both have always wanted a German Shepherd.
How old is Sheena?:Since she is rescued, it's hard to know exactly but she is estimated to be about 9 years old.
What are Sheena's favorite things to do?:Fetching frisbees, going for walks and swimming. She didn't always love swimming, I had to teach her and now she loves it.
What are Sheena's favorite things to eat?:Sheena loves yogurt
Does she have any bad habits?:Sheena thinks someone would should be playing with her 24/7 and can be a big pest when she's feeling neglected.
Is she afraid of anything?:Sheena is very afraid of thunder and gun shots. She also becomes very fearful when the electricity goes out, even if it isn't storming.
What has been the funniest moment/moments with Sheena?:Watching Sheena lick the inside of an empty peanut butter jar. Watching Sheena hunt for stick while walking through the forest, she finds sticks that are way too big and then tries to drag them with her on her walk.

(Aw, those dog eyes!)
Her most loyal moment?:When we brought our baby home from the hospital and introduced her to Sheena. Sheena, who is normally very excited and unpredictable, was very gentle and kissed the new baby very gently with just the tip of her tongue. Now that the baby is 15 months old, the baby gets the same big sloppy kisses the rest of us gets.
What was her most surprising moment?:When Sheena finally learned to love people other than the ones in her pack. She's very shy.
And last of all...What does Sheena love most in the world?Her pack.

Thanks again for letting me interview you Penni! Sheena sounds like a wonderful dog. I hope you have years of more super fun and lovely times with her ahead!